Aether / Sargatanas

Keiko Lancifolium

Age: 29
Height 5 Fulms
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Pansexual and Sapiosexual
Relationships: selective, polyamorous canon relationships are with Mallfaka Fakarian and Saransarnai Goro
Other notes
Keiko is extremely shy, but very submissive even though she can be assertive she usually isn’t.

Poses: if available, yes!
Content/dungeons: with good friends but never hurts to ask
Role play: open to the idea
ERP: VERY selective, discuss first
Contact via discord

Her Backstory

She was born in Doma with her family clan, during the occupation most of her family disappeared which usually meant they died. After her father, O'sihxah, was killed, what was left of the clan was only herself (A’narus), her mother (Sime) and her baby brother (Imah’wo). She was 9 years old at that time. They fled on a smuggler’s ship to the main lands of Eorzea run by The Scales, a group of renegade self freed slaves. This is actually where she met and became fast friends with Mallfaka Fakarian. Unbeknownst to A’narus the captain of the Scales was alerted to the decline of Sime’s mental health and did his best to keep the small family of civilians on the ship for as long as possible. The time came when Sime was lucid enough to find a way off the ship and find a semblance of a home. The Scales still took care of them until they were able to procure passage to Little Ala Mhigo.Her mother decided during one of her first mental breaks that they would be special now and changed all their given names to more “normal names”. She was now Keiko, her brother was now Kaito and her mother was now Aya. Keiko was given a couple of books before they left the Scales, one she read often was given to her by Mal about the different types of flowers and vegetation in Eorzea. Her favorite flowers ended up being bright lilies and she came across a Sharlayan name for it. She pointed it out to her mother when she was trying to figure out a new family name and asked if that could be their new “normal” family name. Her mother accepted and she was known as Keiko Lancifolium from there on.Aya struggled for at least a year or so, resorting to begging as she got sick. To help, the young miqo’te scraped up odd jobs like mending clothing, digging through scrap to find “treasure” and helping forage out in the desert. During this time Keiko figured out how to pickpocket fairly quickly and due to her speed could outrun or scale walls to get away from anyone who pursued her. She didn’t like it, but it helped keep food on the table and get medicine for her mother. Aya passed a few years after which devastated the small family, sending her brother into a raging rebellious depression while Keiko decided to try to help others more than she already had. Kaito had decided that gang life provided for him in ways that she couldn’t and left one night, leaving a note with her favorite flower on her botanical book.Keiko had kept contact with some of the Scales for some scalping reasons. She also kept contact with her best friend Mal through letters. After her brother left, Mal had told her that the main cities were always looking for capable adventures and with her abilities she could easily become a rogue or pugilist of some sort. With nothing holding her back and feeling more alone than ever she decided to go forth and not look back.